We all know the theme in this world—be successful or die trying, right?
I mean, we are here to be the best version of ourselves, and don’t ever pass up on any opportunity…yea I don’t know. I guess, I am just further realizing each and every day how we can sometimes fall victim to the trap of grind-like culture and that we can be easily consumed by energies that can be a detriment to our growth and development. Yes, we are meant to succeed and can’t waste a chance thrown at us; but, at the same time, we have the ability to filter out what is truly best for us.
Not every branch is ready to grow and flourish, especially if we haven’t set a healthy foundation in our roots. Most importantly, we aren’t required to take every olive branch if we feel as though we aren’t mentally and physically prepared to grab a hold of it. Every single one of us evolves in every season, and we owe ourselves the courtesy to verify what is exactly needed, so that “success” is truly achieved for ourself, and not based on another persons course of life.